Let's Summarize Our Assets


At this point, we've talked about five different places you can keep your money! Let's use the most optimistic (AKA highest!) return, and compare them! (Note: PY = per year)

AssetReturnUse Case
Cash0.90% PYEmergency fund, <1 year savings
Short Term Investments1.00% PY2-5 years savings
Bonds5.00% PY2-5 years savings
Stocks10.00% PY15+ years savings
Tax Advantaged Accounts (invested in stocks)10.00% PY + Tax Advantage15+ years savings
Retirement Employer Match100.00%*!! 10.00% PY + Tax Advantage15+ years savings

*If you have a full match (aka dollar-for-dollar): for every dollar you put in, your employer will put a dollar in! But only up to the set limit.

How Much Can You Make Over Time?

Try it out and we'll compare them all! Keep in mind that time period less than 15 years are not recommended for stock investments.

We won't include the employer match at 100.0% because it's a one time 100% return, then it grows in your tax advantaged account just like other contributions.

